本件に関するお問い合わせは、フィルダウス・アヌアル氏 Firdaus.anuar@aigcc.net までお願いいたします。もちろん日本語でも問題ないとのことです。
32兆米国ドルの運用資産高を誇る70+の署名機関から構成される気候変動に関するアジア投資家グループ(Asia Investor Group on Climate Change: AIGCC)は、アジア全域の投資家を対象とした2023年気候変動アンケート調査への参加を呼びかけています。
すべての情報はAIGCCのプライバシーに関する方針に従って取り扱われます。AIGCCはLonergan Research社と提携し、アンケート調査を実施します。Lonergan Research社は、研究会専門家行動規範および個人情報保護法に基づき、守秘義務を負っています。
2023 Annual Member / Net Zero Survey
Dear all,
Asia Investor Group on Climate Change (AIGCC), an Asian investor network with 70+ members representing US $32+ trillion, invite you to participate in this 2023 Climate Survey for all institutional investors across Asia.
We encourage investors of all levels of climate progress, across any market in Asia, to complete the survey.
Click here to complete the survey
Investors who complete the survey will obtain:
- A deeper insight into the state of net zero investing across Asia, and a better understanding of emerging net zero trends and evolving climate expectations for investors.
- A free copy of the finalised ‘State of Net Zero Investment 2023 across Asia’ Report. You can see last year’s report here.
- A one-on-one meeting with a member of the AIGCC team to obtain personalized feedback on your climate investment strategy and emerging themes and trends in your region.
- The survey is an important opportunity for investors to share their insights and shape the direction of sustainable finance in Asia.
The survey will take approximately 15-30 minutes to complete. For questions that are difficult to answer, respondents can skip some questions or otherwise submit ‘No’ or ‘Not Applicable’ responses, which are still helpful to allow AIGCC to identify issues, gaps and support needed for investors across Asia going forward. For questions that are difficult to answer precisely, reasonable estimates can be given.
All individual organisational responses will remain strictly confidential – results from the survey will be published in aggregate only.
All information will be handled in accordance with AIGCC’s Privacy Policies. AIGCC has partnered with Lonergan Research to conduct the State of Net Zero Survey. Please be assured of complete confidentiality, Lonergan Research is bound by Research Society Code of Professional Behaviour and the Privacy Act.
The survey does not have to be completed in one go, provided you use your unique company survey link above, your answers will save automatically, and the survey link can be shared with your colleagues should you need answers to be populated across teams.
Click here to download the questions in a PDF document format if required. Note that in this PDF document, only the blue shaded questions are required for AIGCC non-members.
If you have any further questions, please contact a member of the AIGCC Investor Practice team (Harrison Smith at Harrison.smith@aigcc.net).
We request that investors complete this Survey at your earliest convenience, in any case before the survey closes on 26 September.
Thank you kindly for supporting this important survey.